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Action Indonesia Webinar
On July 14, 2022 professionals from across the globe got together to discuss Action Indonesia day, how it began and how Zoos have been participating in the awareness event since its inception in 2019!
This year's Action Indonesia Day is August 14, 2022!
Action Indonesia Day
is just 67 days, 10 hours away! But who's counting?

interpretive training webinar
Join our panel on Zoom to learn about interpretive planning! @zoomiami @chesterzoo and @balisafari talk about interpretive planning, exhibits and how interpretation has changed during COVID19. Hosted by @pkbsi! We use interpretation to tell stories and to help save #babirusa, #banteng, and #anoa from extinction!
Join us! 3pm Jakarta, 4pm Bali, 4am USA est, 9am UK talk about interpretive planning, exhibits, and how interpretation has changed during COVID19. Hosted by PKBSI
The third annual Action Indonesia Day was held on Sunday the 15th August around the world. We were overwhelmed by the amazing participation this year, with 49 zoos and institutions from Indonesia, Europe and North America all spreading the word about Anoa, Banteng, Babirusa, and Sumatran tigers!
Action Indonesia is an amazing opportunity to celebrate these unique species, and to raise awareness about their conservation! This Action Indonesia Day, many zoos shared images of their Action Indonesia species on social media using the #ActionIndonesiaDay hashtag, as well as keeper talks and videos about the animals, their threats and conservation.
Some of the activities conducted on the day include Zoo Ragunan’s live webinar for High School students, artefact tables and games by Chester Zoo and Surabaya Zoo, photo competitions by R Zoo and Zoo Siantar, and Instagram and Facebook Livestreams with keepers and animals.The Action Indonesia educational resources were downloaded over 100 times for use in outreach. We are proud to help shine a light on these threatened endemic species and very grateful to everyone who helped to raise awareness. Collectively, our social media posts using the #ActionIndonesiaday hashtag reached almost 3 million people and generated almost 10,000 likes!
Check out some images from activities on the day below, and don’t forget to send us your Action Indonesia Day pictures to actionindonesiagsmp@gmail.com!
Kegiatan Action Indonesia Day yang ketiga telah diadakan pada Hari Minggu, 15 Agustus 2021 serentak di seluruh dunia. Kami sangat senang dengan tingginya antusiasme di tahun ini, 49 Lembaga Konservasi dan institusi dari Indonesia, Eropa, dan Amerika Utara berkontribusi menyebarluaskan pesan konservasi mengenai Anoa, Banteng, Babirusa, dan harimau Sumatra!
Action Indonesia merupakan kesempatan yang baik untuk mengangkat keunikan spesies tersebut, sekaligus meningkatkan penyadartahuan dan kepedulian masyarakat akan konservasi mereka! Pada Action Indonesia Day tahun ini, banyak Lembaga Konservasi yang membagikan berbagai dokumentasi satwa di media sosial dengan tagar #ActionIndonesiaDay, selain itu juga terdapat banyak rekaman video satwa dan keeper talks, yang mengangkat berbagai ancaman yang dihadapi satwa serta upaya konservasinya.
Beberapa kegiatan lainnya yaitu webinar oleh Taman Margasatwa Ragunan untuk para siswa SMP dan SMA, peragaan berbagai artefak satwa dan permainan menarik oleh Chester Zoo dan Kebun Binatang Surabaya, lomba foto dan video oleh Siantar Zoo, dan siarang langsung di Instagram dan Facebook oleh para keeper dan satwa. Materi edukasi yang disediakan telah diunduh lebih dari 100 kali untuk berbagai kegiatan. Kami sangat bangga dapat berkontribusi turut mengangkat keistimewaan satwa endemik Indonesia yang sudah terancam punah tersebut dan sangat senang atas dukungan dan keikutsertaan semua orang dalam meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap spesies tersebut. Unggahan di media sosial dengan tagar #ActionIndonesiaday telah menjangkau hampir 3 juta orang dan menghasilkan sekitar 10,000 likes!
Simak berbagai gambar dari beragam kegiatan Action Indonesia Day berikut, dan silakan kirimkan dokumentasi kegiatan Action Indonesia Day ke emial actionindonesiagsmp@gmail.com!

Check out all the cool ways to get involved!

Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plan Webinar
Thank you to all that joined the Action Indonesia webinar! Video of the webinar can be seen/ accessed below.

Register for the global webinar now!
Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plan Webinar
Join us for a panel discussion with key representatives from the Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plans (GSMPs). The international collaborative team will be sharing how their expertise contributes to the One Plan Approach conservation efforts for banteng, babirusa, anoa, and Sumatran tiger.
Find out more and how you can get involved in the GSMPs and contribute to this international effort to save banteng, babirusa, anoa, and Sumatran tiger.
The session will be hosted by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and delivered in the English language, with Indonesian translation for a Q&A session at the end of the discussion.
When? Tuesday 13th July - 1pm UK time/ 7pm Jakarta/ 8am Washington, DC./ 2pm Spain & Germany

Register for the global webinar now!
Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plan Webinar
Join us for a panel discussion with key representatives from the Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plans (GSMPs). The international collaborative team will be sharing how their expertise contributes to the One Plan Approach conservation efforts for banteng, babirusa, anoa, and Sumatran tiger.
Find out more and how you can get involved in the GSMPs and contribute to this international effort to save banteng, babirusa, anoa, and Sumatran tiger.
The session will be hosted by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and delivered in the English language, with Indonesian translation for a Q&A session at the end of the discussion.
When? Tuesday 13th July - 1pm UK time/ 7pm Jakarta/ 8am Washington, DC./ 2pm Spain & Germany

Register for the global webinar now!
Join us for a panel discussion with key representatives from the Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plans (GSMPs). The international collaborative team will be sharing how their expertise contributes to the One Plan Approach conservation efforts for banteng, babirusa, anoa, and Sumatran tiger.
Find out more and how you can get involved in the GSMPs and contribute to this international effort to save banteng, babirusa, anoa, and Sumatran tiger.
The session will be hosted by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and delivered in the English language, with Indonesian translation for a Q&A session at the end of the discussion.
When? Tuesday 13th July - 1pm UK time/ 7pm Jakarta/ 8am Washington, DC./ 2pm Spain & Germany